Everything You Need
Written by Topher Lucas (@topherlucas) | March 3, 2023
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”
(Proverbs 25:2 LSB)
Play along with me here - How many minutes, maybe hours, have you spent the last week researching a new weapon, something EDC related, or falling down the rabbit-hole of YouTube videos? If you are like me, those hours might not be something you’d want to readily say out loud. Hear me when I say, those things are not bad things to do; sometimes they are necessities, but when you put them up next to the time we should be spending as we are seeking Christ, those things fall quickly down to at least number two on our to-do list.
God has given everything we need for this world; He has “concealed” it all in His word. Not that He has hidden it from us but that it is buried, as a treasure, waiting for us to seek it out. All the answers to my worry over how to raise my twin boys in the fear and instruction of the Lord is contained in His word. All the ways He expects us to be good husbands, good wives, good christians are all contained in His Word. His word is the foundation of every aspect of our lives. We should constantly be seeking to answer the question Paul raises in Romans 4:3a, “What does the scripture say?" God has “hidden” Himself in nature (Romans 1:19-20) and in Christ (Hebrews 1:1-4) and it is to our glory to search the scriptures and find the Truth in Christ Jesus. And as a good king should, apply the wisdom that he has for the benefit of his kingdom and those in it.
Men, if you have a family you are the king of that household, you’ve been given a job and an instruction Manuel. Seek the scriptures, find the glorious God and lead your family after him.
Image: Brad Pence (@averagejoe_edc)