By Vinh Luu (@pewpewpreacher)


"For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." - Isaiah 9:6

In the 2A community, preparedness is an important aspect in life. Many go as far as having a “Plan B” if “Plan A” doesn’t work. As we continue through the season of Advent, it’s good for us to remember that God does not have a backup plan. 

You may have encountered those who believe that the New Testament was God’s “Plan B” because His “Plan A” didn't work out in the Old Testament. God doesn't have a “Plan A” or a “Plan B”. God has THE plan. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and nothing can change His plan. God knew when He created the universe that we would choose to sin and that He would have to show His love for us by sending His Son to die as payment/atonement for our sins. God, being all-powerful, cannot die. Jesus, being born a human, is also God. One of the many paradoxes in our faith is that Jesus is 100% man while at the same time 100% God. In order for Jesus to be able to die as payment/atonement for our sins, He must be human to be able to die, but He must also be God to be sinless. So it was God's plan all along to send Jesus. The plan that conquers sin and death. The plan that gives us the opportunity to spend eternity with the One who loves us to death!

Whatever plans you may have for Christmas, be sure to make plans to take time away from all the busyness of the season and be in God’s Word and in prayer. Jesus left His throne in heaven to be Emmanuel - God with us. So may we take the time to be with Him!